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A Family Connection with Theater

If anyone had ever told me when I was either in high school or a young adult that I would ever love performing on stage and being part of a community theater program I would have laughed. I never did theater growing up and didn’t think I’d really ever have the opportunity or really want to participate. Back in 2001 when my oldest daughter was about 8 she begged me to audition for an ACT play. I allowed her to try out, as she wasn’t really into the athletic options she had and at that time enjoyed doing ballet and tap dance. She was excited when she was offered a part in Alice in Wonderland. While at rehearsal with her once in a while they asked me to read for absent actors and I always agreed to help any way I could. About 3 weeks before opening weekend one of the people who played a small role that I had read for several times wasn’t able to do the show and in desperation they asked me to participate – I reluctantly agreed and Acadia Community theater gave me an opportunity to enjoy being on stage and find a passion that I didn’t even know I had.

This began a love affair for me with theater and an opportunity to do something fun with my daughter. Every Christmas play and musical over they years we joined in. Over the years I met wonderful lifelong friends, shared many memories with my daughter, and was able to shine on stage. My youngest daughter joined in the fun when she was just 4 years old and we graced the stage for many years. My oldest got to high school and thrived in the theater program there in plays, musicals and show choir. We were blessed with the experience that ACT gave her before arriving at MDIHS. I have seen many family combinations enjoying working together with ACT and its always fun to see that continue.

The community atmosphere that ACT allows is amazing. You meet new people and join in with your neighbors and friends to bring live theater to the folks of MDI and beyond. As I got more involved I began to help with the production of plays and soon I was producing events. I joined the ACT board to be able to help continue their mission to provide quality theater for actors, actresses and audiences on the island. After being involved for about 10 years I even tried my hand a directing one of the Christmas plays. It was a ton or work but with the support of an amazing board, some great parents and kids I was able to direct a successful Christmas play. That is what Acadia Community Theater is all about. Giving people opportunities to participate in activities they might not believe they would ever do.

It has been several years since I have been in a musical with ACT, my older daughter unexpectedly passed away several years ago and it took a lot for me to step back on stage without her. My younger daughter moved onto athletics but my love for theater and performing continued to grow within me. Because ACT is such an open organization they allowed me the time that I needed and have encouraged me and I am now ready to perform on stage again and I can’t tell you how grateful I am for my memories with ACT. I am so excited about Shrek and being a part of such a talented group.

Thank you ACT for amazing memories, opportunities, laughter, tears, fun, entertainment and friendships – and as Momma bears says in Shrek…..We are so special!

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